Campaigns against Corporate Abuses in 9 European Countries

This week a network of 250 European NGO’s – represented by the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) – is organizing various actions across Europe for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). They demand that the European…

More Room for Sustainability Initiatives?

The article “More Room for Sustainability Initiatives?” by Dario Chiari frames the bill in its political and legal context, it summarises the conflict between competition law and sustainability initiatives in the Netherlands and explains how the bill intends to solve the conflict and its functioning. Lastly, it highlights some shortcomings and possible improvements.


In 2015 a broad coalition, including business associations and NGOs called on the Dutch government to remove the barriers that competition law can create for collaborative sustainability and CSR initiatives.

Since then the Minister of Economic Affairs considered several solutions and came up in 2017 with a quite innovative legislative proposal; the ‘Bill room for sustainability initiatives’. This bill has recently been submitted to public consultation. Further decision-making on the bill will continue once the Netherland has a new government.

Government struggles with ‘sustainable’

From drawing pin to overpass and from usb stick tot lamppost: in two years all purchases of the government have to be produced in an environmentally friendly and fair manner.  Gerard Oonk of Dutch MVO…

Human rights not guaranteed by Dutch procurement practices

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) explicitly mentions procurement policies as a tool for governments to encourage the protection of human rights in international supply chains. The Netherlands has committed to…

Government and Corporate Accountability

Companies should exercise greater social responsibility and be accountable for their activities. The MVO Platform believes the government should play a major role in ensuring this. It can both encourage and require companies to be…